After a long journey towards the inauguration of a new chapel in this area, our dreams became a reality. Today, December 3, 2017, the Diocese of Shyogwe officially launched an evangelization mission in Kiyumba (Northern Part). The missionary team is presided over by Archdeacon Joseph Iyakaremye and Evangelist Viateur Ntarindwa. The Anglican Church was already present in this region commonly called Ndiza. We have already some Parishes there (Shaki, Muyebe, Nyabinoni and Murehe). However, we still need the presence of our Church there. There people who still need to hear about the God’s love: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (Jon 3:16).
We take this opportunity to call all those who feel a calling from God to bring the Gospel where it has not yet arrived to join us! God bless you!